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Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (October 29, 2007 12:37 PM) Posted by:Good Will
I 'll tell ya what the cost is: A bit of common sense, some of the at desire to actually do research on the subject, and oh yeah...caribng about future generations. Ya selfish, live-in-the-moment man!!!
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (December 15, 2007 7:36 PM) Posted by:Matt McG
Except his research has already been debunked. Face it, no one is close to understanding how the environment is affected by man because there is no control group to test it on: there is only one environment.
Al Gore only cares about publicity. If he really wanted to do some environmental work, he'd do more work then crybaby activism. Help with a bio-degradable fuel that isn't actually worse then gasoline.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (January 4, 2008 12:42 PM) Posted by:Good Will
motorcade of limousines?
No one is stopping you from driving you in your cars. All folks are trying to d is get you a car that does nto dirty up the environment so much.
You are kinda like a little child that yells "I want more sugar because it sweet" without realizing what it might do to you in the future. How in the world would you be diminished by driving a car that gets 50 miles on a gallon? Or by driving an electric car? again how about thinking about teh future a bit. You are a dine and dash type of person are not you?
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (May 2, 2009 9:12 PM) Posted by:Patrick Alessandra
What arrogance to assume that humanity is even powerful enough to effect the climate. One major volcanic eruption releases more CO2 into the atmosphere then all the exhaust from all the cars sense the invention of the car!
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (September 2, 2009 1:35 PM) Posted by:NEAL TOGLIA
Al Gore is $100 Million richer from his ill-founded movie and speech tour. He is fat and happy living in a 10,000 square foot house and flys a private jet. Truly has a Big -Carbon -Footprint ! Doesn't he? Al's a true "limousine liberal" complete with his condescending attitude of "do as I say, not as I do". Nancy and many other Dems fall into tyhe same category.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (November 13, 2009 1:05 AM) Posted by:PHIL ANGE< USN RET
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (November 20, 2009 11:23 AM) Posted by:Craig Ackeret
So anyone who doesn't agree that man can control the weather is "selfish, and is not using common sense"? The cartoon nevr compained about what we could or couldn't have. All it did was explain how Al Gore's movie was debunked, and proven unscientific. True common sense says man can't control the weather.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (January 1, 2010 2:46 PM) Posted by:Susan Sauer
Phil, I appreciate your comment. Seems like everyone's going emotional over polar bears losing ice floes. The Science teachers at a local school showed the film to junior highers who swallowed it "hook, line & sinker!" But junior highers can be forgiven for being emotional! What happened to the idea that we need CO2 for trees to exist and trees give off O2 for us?! And it's not CO2 that's given off by cars, but Carbon Monoxide which we do need to continue doing something about (like catalytic converters). (and, USN Phil - btw - John Doe IS his name :)
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (May 2, 2010 5:13 PM) Posted by:David Nickels
Good ole Al G. doesn't notjust care about publicity. He is heavily invested in the concept and stands to gain millions of dollars trading "carbon credits" which are promises by one company which does not pollute the atmosphere to trade what they don't do to someone who does pollute. Net result, nothing actually changes, but Al makes a killing in the market he created.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (November 18, 2012 7:54 PM) Posted by:Rob Lippelman
Last post above was in 2010. That's because no sane person any longer gives AL BORE and credibility with his bizarre global waring theory. He will come up with another hair-brained idea to get attention; he has to get as much attention as he can.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (April 5, 2021 1:04 AM) Posted by:Crazy Pete
I don't believe anything Al Gore has ever done has been "Noble" Sometimes I wonder how much it would cost for admissions in the fantasy world he lives in!!
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (April 5, 2021 1:04 AM) Posted by:Crazy Pete
He is just upset over loosing the election in 2000, and doesn't know where to put his frustrations.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (April 5, 2021 1:04 AM) Posted by:Crazy Pete
I'm so happy that Al Gore is worried about the environment, he doesn't want me to drive in my vehicles, or anything that in his mind is "Environmentally Unsafe, yet he can have his private jet, the motorcade of limousines, and his environmentally unsafe house.
Cartoon on Al Gore winning Nobel Peace Prize (April 5, 2021 1:06 AM) Posted by:Ernesto RamosPhD
Don't forget Al Gore also invented the LOVE CANAL oh yes...he just brought iy up first 'cause he's so environMENTAL! Actually if Gore mistook a pound of ExLax for a pound of chocolate...they would find an empty skin with bones in it by the commode!