Forum Discussion

This post is in response to the toon below (click to enlarge)
Cartoon on World AIDS Day (December 11, 2002 3:56 AM)
Posted by: Martin Riggs
Well, gee. They lit 1000 candles. What did that do, except add a little entropy to the Universe? If they are serious, they ought to try donating money to those drug companies (oh, wait, they're "bad" according to liberals) or donate their time at hospices. Maybe cook dinner for the people there sometime.

Re: Cartoon on World AIDS Day (March 5, 2004 1:57 AM)
Posted by: Sam Marks
And a lot more candles were lit in the days after September 11. Do you criticize those who did that to show support?

>Well, gee. They lit 1000 candles. What did that
>do, except add a little entropy to the Universe?
>If they are serious, they ought to try donating
>money to those drug companies (oh, wait, they're
>"bad" according to liberals) or donate
>their time at hospices. Maybe cook dinner for
>the people there sometime.
Re: Cartoon on World AIDS Day (November 25, 2005 6:04 AM)
Posted by: T Cleveland
>And a lot more candles were lit in the days after
>September 11. Do you criticize those who did that
>to show support?

No, the reason is:
The people with AIDS (95% of them) alot got it through there own permiscuity. 9/11 could not have been stopped by thoughs people in the twin towers.
Cartoon on World AIDS Day (January 5, 2006 11:56 PM)
Posted by: Steven McAllister
hey, impressive figure there. 95%, huh? I presume you went around and took a poll? "Pardon me, miss, but isn't it true you're just a tramp and a whore and this disease is God's punishment for your sinful ways?" And as for promiscuity, not everyone belives that sexual freedom is a sin, and only a psychopath thinks a wasting disease that is devastating an entire continent is a just punishment of some sort. The fact that Bush has cut funding for sex education aid over there certainly isn't helping.

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