Forum Discussion

WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 16, 2006 1:15 PM)
Posted by: Crazy Pete
Howard Dean, we love you! As long as he continues to act like a crack addict on speed, the Republicans are guaranteed job security in the White House. He is using, (Questionable) funds to go to Saudi Arabia and bad mouth America!! HEY DEAN WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON!!

WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 17, 2006 12:14 AM)
Posted by: Good Will
>As long as he continues to act like a crack addict on speed
Talkign about crack addicts on speed. Did you hear taht Ann Coulter said that we should poison non-conservative Supreme Court Judges?

> Saudi Arabia
Wait I though Saudi Arabia was our best friend...
Where is that photo of Bush and Saudi prince holding hands....
Hmmm...lets see....

And yes Howard Dean, we love you!!!!!
You think just because you call him a bad names he is gonan cry and run away?
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 17, 2006 1:44 AM)
Posted by: Invader Jim
Ann Coulter is not an elected representative of any party. Howard Dean is.

I didn't hear about Dean going to Saudia Arabia to badmouth America. I thought that Gore had done so?
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 17, 2006 11:56 AM)
Posted by: Good Will
> Ann Coulter is not an elected representative of any party. Howard Dean is.
I never heard Dean say we should kill people. Just because he does not agree with you politically it does nto mean he is crazy. Coulter on the other hand seems to be clinically insane.
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 19, 2006 5:18 PM)
Posted by: Crazy Pete
Oh crap, was the Gore, I thought it was Howard Dean!

Ah, all them Demies look alike to me!

If I'm wrong then sorry peoples, got my facts wrong.
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 19, 2006 10:13 PM)
Posted by: Invader Jim
I am not a fan of Ann Coulterm but I am guessing that she was just using her biting humor when she said that. The problem with her biting humor is that sometimes... it bites.
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 20, 2006 12:55 AM)
Posted by: Anthony Zarrella
Jim, good points. Coulter is not an elected official, and does not necessarily represent even a majority of the GOP. I think *a few* of the things that she says are right on the money, but most are too extreme. Also, yes, Good Will, I think she was using hyperbole... I doubt even she would *literally* want a Justice poisoned.

Also, yes, Bush has had friendly relations with the Saudi royalty. However, there is a difference between having a friendly chat with a leader of a nominally friendly nation, and going to a nation where the *general populace* is hostile to America, and making statements against America (or the current government thereof).
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 21, 2006 3:38 PM)
Posted by: Anthony Zarrella
(Even if they're the same nation, that is... left that out by mistake)
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 21, 2006 5:27 PM)
Posted by: Darrin Worthington
I am proud to say that I am a fan of Ann Coulter and read her writings as often as possible. She has a great sense of humor and can lead a wonderful debate. There are some things that I disagree with her on but when you take in to consideration her sarcasm and humor, I tend to agree with most of her statements.
Howard Dean is one of the best friends that the GOP has ever had. I only disagree with him whenever he speaks or writes. Other than that he is write on target.
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 22, 2006 12:51 AM)
Posted by: Ben Sebaugh
>Ann Coulter

I thought she was HOT when she was dressed in black and wearing that eyepatch on politically incorrect with that mahre character a few years back! And I think I agreed with most of what she said too.
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 22, 2006 5:03 PM)
Posted by: Good Will
>Also, yes, Good Will, I think she was using hyperbole... I doubt even she would *literally* want a Justice poisoned.

So you are ok with outrageeous statements of Miss Coulter, but Cindy Sheenan can not do it?

>Howard Dean is one of the best friends that the GOP has ever had. I only disagree with him whenever he speaks or writes. Other than that he is write on target.

See...he is a friend to everyone...lets elect him President.

WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 22, 2006 5:16 PM)
Posted by: Anthony Zarrella
Coulter is a known pundit and well-known for her hyperbole. She also doesn't try to use a dead son to shield her from criticism or to legitimate her outrageous statements. Before you mention the whole "insulting a grieving mother" thing, see my response in the relevant thread.
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 22, 2006 7:02 PM)
Posted by: Good Will
>She also doesn't try to use a dead son to shield her from criticism or to legitimate her outrageous statements.
By the way have Cindy actually ever said she should be immune to critisism?
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 22, 2006 11:57 PM)
Posted by: Anthony Zarrella
Not to my knowledge, no, but certainly there is an implicit attitude of "it was my son, so my opinion trumps yours".
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 23, 2006 3:44 PM)
Posted by: Good Will
I call assumption on your part.

WAY TO GO DEAN!! (February 23, 2006 4:30 PM)
Posted by: Anthony Zarrella
Admitted. I just don't think it's a very shaky assumption to make. Besides, let's say I give up that claim... it doesn't affect the second claim (that she uses her son's death to legitimate her outrageous claims).
WAY TO GO DEAN!! (March 7, 2006 12:39 AM)
Posted by: Good Will
>that she uses her son's death to legitimate her outrageous claims
I'd need clarificatin on this. How does she use it to LEGITIMATE?

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